What You Should Know Aboout Ventless Fireplaces

Fireplaces are gaining in popularity and are even standard in many new homes. Some people find them cost-prohibitive, however, and search for cheaper alternatives. Ventless gas fireplaces are options some people consider. Because of their low cost, convenience, and relative ease of installation, they are attractive to those on a strict budget. They are also an excellent heat source. Before considering such a fireplace, though, there are some things that you should know.

Ventless gas fireplaces are not vented to pipes or chimneys, so the burned gases are not removed from the home. This means that any gas by-products—such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide—are put into circulation in the air. It is then breathed by you and your family. Vent free gas fireplaces also produce excess water vapor, which can lead to the production of mold, mildew, and dust mites. All of these things cause poor quality air and increased health risks.

Vent free gas fireplaces are illegal in many states. Even in states where they are allowed, builders must follow very specific codes about their placement. For example, they must provide an exhaust system for removing the hazardous by-products.

On the other hand, vent free units often come equipped with carbon monoxide detectors and oxygen sensors. Both of these features are designed to shut off the system if conditions reach an unsafe point.

If you do decide to use one of these models, experts say you should not use the fireplace for more than 4 hours a day. They also advise that increased levels of carbon monoxide can cause dizziness, headache, fatigue, and nausea.

Though ventless gas fireplaces are financially affordable, they just might not be worth the cost to your family’s health. Only you can decide, but make sure you get all of the facts.

Gas Fireplaces Info provides detailed information about ventless, outdoor, corner, and natural gas fireplaces, and gas fireplace stoves, as well as gas fireplace inserts, logs, and more. Gas Fireplaces Info is the sister site of Fireplace Mantels Web.

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